Delivering the prosthesis


Finishing touches to the prosthesis

The mould is closed, pressed and baked in the oven for several hours. Once the baking process is over, the mould is opened. The edges are meticulously trimmed to ensure the smoothest possible transition between the skin and the silicone.

Sometimes finishing touches to the colouring (small veins, freckles, beauty spots etc.) are painted onto the prosthesis to make it perfectly life-like. They are then fixed into the silicones.

The prosthesis is adjusted on the patient. For an orbital prosthesis, natural hair is inserted to make the eyelashes and eyebrows.

After some exercises on how to put the prosthesis into place, the patient starts to become familiar with their new prosthesis. Together, we discuss a few practical issues.

 Photos 1 to 9: Pigments are inserted into the silicone and mixed to obtain the various shades specific to each patient. They are then painted layer by layer into the mould.