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Innovative prostheses through the integration of 3-D


For over 35 years at the Centre d’Épithèses Faciales, we have collaborated in research and innovation projects, participated in international conferences, integrated state-of-the-art technologies and continuously enhanced the quality of our prostheses for the benefit of our patients. The Centre has closely followed simultaneous international developments in terms of materials, retention systems, design and production methods and we are constantly applying revolutionary innovations in the field of facial prostheses.


 Research & Development

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It is with the hope of advancing ever further, and with a view to pushing back the barriers of feasibility that the Centre d’Épithèses Faciales is currently participating in several research projects, some on an international scale.

This research is leading us towards highly developed prostheses boasting new properties.

Innovation is one of our constants together with the ongoing improvement of our know-how and the quality of our prostheses. We are continuously working to enhance patient comfort through easy-to-position prostheses that require minimum maintenance. We have likewise perfected prosthetic adjustments so that the prostheses blend into facial expression and mobility.

By applying new technologies, we can now print out moulds, but the integration of magnets still remains a challenge to be raised in the future.

Anne-Marie Riedinger is internationally renowned and acknowledged by her colleagues. She participates in cutting-edge conferences where she shares her innovations and knowledge throughout the world. She very rapidly became fascinated by research and exchanging with her colleagues, researchers, engineers and surgeons on an international scale.

Research projects are currently underway and will be published when they have progressed sufficiently.