Michèle Stockhausen
As she has always been immersed in the world of art and was greatly interested in anatomy, Michèle opted to study graphic design before specializing in medical illustration. Her vivid interest in the social issues related to the identity-building and the face brought her into contact with Anne-Marie Riedinger during her final year in the Master’s Degree and she carried out her thesis project under Anne-Marie’s supervision. She discovered the importance of building a relationship with patients, how rich exchanges with patients could be and how much a facial prosthesis can change a patient’s life. And so it was only natural that Michèle should wish to join the team at the Centre d’Épithèses Faciales to learn how to be an anaplastologist.
With her clear-cut motivation and determination to succeed, she assists Anne-Marie in caring for the patients, from 3-D modeling to fabricating and fitting the facial prosthesis. She has now been learning the craft for three years and takes part in international conferences. She has set her heart on pursuing this career in the future.
Thesis for the DNSEP: "Un nom à soi, l'autoportrait féminin comme revendication d'une identité propre", 2017-2018, Michèle Stockhausen, under the supervision of Sandrine Israël-Jost
Drawing from a sculpture by Auguste Clésinger, “Femme piquée par un serpent”, 1847. Musée d’Orsay, Paris.
Body Artefact
Modelling of “nasal corrector” body art.
It is part of a collection of five body art pieces of jewellery designed and hand-made by Michèle in hammered, polished copper, worn to restrict certain facial postures.
Artistic project in the frame of the DNSEP degree.
Academia Anatomica
Anatomical drawings based on the observation of statues in the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay, in Paris.
Pencil and coloured pencil, drawn by Michèle in 2017 at HEAR in Strasbourg.