Anne-Marie Riedinger
Teachings and Reasearch
2017 / Member of the Jury for the defence of the PhD in Medicine “30 ans de collaboration chirurgicale entre le CHU de Strasbourg et le Centre d’Épithèses Faciales de Strasbourg” presented by Dr Magali Maechling, Medical School, Strasbourg, 3 July 2017.
2015 / Trainer, Récife, Pernambuco, Brazil, workshop and patient treatment.
2011 / Trainer, Advanced Classes in Anaplastology: Bone-Anchored Facial Prosthetics and Surgical Hands-On, 26th IAA Congress, Tampa, Florida, USA.
2010 / Trainer, Workshop and Bone-Anchored Facial Prosthetics, from 18 to 21 October 2010, The Branemark Institute, Bauru, Brazil (advanced classes for anaplastologists, demonstration of techniques, patient treatment).
2001 / Member of the Jury for the defence of the thesis for the PhD in Medicine, “Applications de l’Ostéo-Intégration en ORL : Epithèses et BAHA” presented by Dr Jean-François Hervé at the Medical School in Strasbourg, 28 September 2001.
1998 to 2000 / Research into biomaterials with a view to creating a teaching model with the collaboration of Dr Chantal Prévost, Anaesthetist and Xavier Fohrer, Engineer.
1996 à 2000 / Lecturer in Medical Illustration and Didactics, and supervision of undergraduate student projects at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg.
2009 / Member of the Scientific Committee for the 2nd Symposium “Bone Conduction Hearing-Craniofacial Osseointegration”, Göteborg, Sweden, June 11-13